Changeset pre-configured mapping

Is it possible to use a pre-configured mapping (used for commands) in the change set pipe?

class MyMapper < ROM::Transformer
  relation :my_relation
  register_as :my_relation_mapper

  map do

OR do i need to duplicate the mapping logic in (class method):

class NewUserChangeset < ROM::Changeset::Create
  map do
    <copy duplicate code from my_mapper>

What is your suggestion for this case?

Many Thanks!

There’s no public API for that yet, but for now you could just store a proc somewhere and reuse it like map(&YOUR_MAPPING_PROC) in both places.

Thanks for your reply! I now realize that the relation mappers are mappings going “out” (db to entity) and changeset mappers are going “in” (entity to db) as described here (ROM - Core Concepts). What I’m really trying to articulate is… Is it possible for a changeset commit to return an application domain entity rather than a hash or array (Class: ROM::Changeset — Documentation by YARD 0.9.24)?

Changesets use relation’s mapper. So, if you do users.map_with(:foo).changeset(:create, ...).commit it should use the entity mapper when reading data back.

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This suggestion does not seem to be working.

relation.map_with(:some_mapper).changeset(CreateSomeChangeset, data).map(:add_timestamps).commit

So the both the CreateSomeChangeset mapping and the add_timestamps map appear to be working. The map_with appears to be ignored as the return value is not reflecting changes in some_mapper.

Ah right, it only works with the auto-mapper. I guess we could make it work with custom mappers too, because now it’s a confusing behavior.

@solnic Is this on the roadmap anywhere for v5, or v6? I am going to be using custom mappers heavily, as I can’t (yet) change my DB schema to map easily to my entities, and am hoping to use ROM to bridge that gap.

I’m not sure if it will be done in 6.0 but definitely on the roadmap in 6.x series