@solnic Apologies, this might just be a newbie mistake. But when I try to access the changeset method through the relations I still get the ‘undefined method `changeset’ error. Am I missing something?
[6] pry(IndieNinja::API)> users_repo.users
=> #<IndieNinja::API::Persistence::Relations::Users name=ROM::Relation::Name(users) dataset=#<Sequel::Postgres::Dataset: "SELECT \"users\".\"id\", \"users\".\"email\", \"users\".\"first_name\", \"users\".\"last_name\", \"users\".\"created_at\", \"users\".\"updated_at\", \"users\".\"identity_provider_id\" FROM \"users\" ORDER BY \"users\".\"id\"">>
[7] pry(IndieNinja::API)> users_repo.users.changeset
NoMethodError: undefined method `changeset' for #<IndieNinja::API::Persistence::Relations::Users:0x007fb958a320a0>
from (pry):6:in `<module:API>'
For anyone coming across this here is a working example on how we got timestamps working:
We have a timestamps module which we include in our repos and it looks like this:
module Persistence::Timestamps
┆ def create(attrs)
┆ ┆ super root.changeset(:create, attrs).map(:add_timestamps)
┆ def update(attrs)
┆ ┆ super root.changeset(:update, attrs).map(:add_timestamps)
┆ end
I have also problem with setting timestamps. My repo looks like:
require_relative './repository_base'
class DocumentationRepository < ROM::Repository[:documentations]
include RepositoryBase
# ...
And repository base is:
module RepositoryBase
def self.included(base)
base.class_eval do
struct_namespace Entities
commands :create, update: :by_pk, delete: :by_pk
def create(attrs)
super root.changeset(:create, attrs).map(:add_timestamps)
def update(attrs)
super root.changeset(:update, attrs).map(:add_timestamps)
However create and update methods don’t seem to be reloaded. Still getting ROM::SQL::NotNullConstraintError for timestamps.
Edit - quoting @flash_gordon: @buszu that’s because the commands macro overrides your create/update methods in the target class. If you’re using changesets just do