Basic gems config for 4.0?

Good morning! I’m having gem issues loading rom-sql. Having updated all rom gems, have I broken all my things?
Running with: rom (4.0.1) rom-changeset (1.0.0) rom-core (4.0.1) rom-mapper (1.0.1) rom-repository (2.0.0) rom-sql (2.1.0) rom-support (2.0.0)
No matter which order I attempt to load gems, ROM.adapters is {}. when attempting to fetch the ':sql’
Attempts to load sql bring a flurry of: gems/sequel-5.2.0/lib/sequel/sql.rb:140: warning: already initialized constant Sequel::SQL::ComplexExpression::OPERTATOR_INVERSIONS…

Is this a clue: There was an error while trying to load the gem ‘rom-sql’.
Gem Load Error is: can’t modify frozen Array… gems/sequel-5.2.0/lib/sequel/sql.rb:78:in `concat’
Running ruby vers 2.4.2p198

Thanks for rom!

Thanks Nikita,
I’ll comment out the require as suggested in ::
Freezing looks like it relates to safety::